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Session Length: 41 minutes

Welcome to My sleep therapy clinic, a world renowned facility that specializes in treating those with rare mood and behavioral disorders.  From your referral notes it appears you have difficulty achieving a deep restful sleep with episodes of chronic over-stimulation along with occasional bouts of sexomnia.  Well, I want to put your mind at ease that, although these symptoms are relatively uncommon, I do have first-hand experience treating such conditions.  Now, the treatment process itself is somewhat unorthodox, but, the results I have with My clients speak for themselves, as you likely noticed from the highly favorable reviews they SUBMIT for Me, even after a single session, hence why you are here with Me now.

Let Me tell you how this will work, My sweet, it's okay if I call you that?  Good, I like our interactions to be as informal as possible so W/we can develop a strong rapport, a bond if you will, because TRUST is an essential component for these treatments to work.  During O/our session I'll help you relax so you can enter a deep trance like state, a receptive comatose sleep where all your conscious anxieties will be subdued.  This will allow Me to work more intimately with your subconscious mind identifying, and nullifying, your sleep related issues as well as using a more holistic approach, through mantra and reward reinforcement, to promote a healthy libido.

At this point I must caution you that since you do have a history of over-stimulation there is a higher probability that this will manifest itself - sensually and sexually - during your trance state.  Now, I want to assure you this is nothing to be alarmed about, My sweet, this is quite NATURAL and NORMAL for patients with a more, let's say, submissive personality type, ones that are naturally inclined to be SUBSERVIENT to more assertive personalities, even people in positions of AUTHORITY, like Myself, for example.

Well, as you can see I'm perfectly harmless and your behavioral pattern actually works to O/our mutual advantage:  It is the perfect state for Me to help you achieve a deeper, more focused sleep, redirecting your thoughts and "impulses" in a more positive and purposeful way.  With Me in the Cockpit - so to speak - and with the right focal point - My sexy heels, nylon covered legs, and short, TIGHT, pencil skirt (giggles) - I do believe I can resolve all your symptoms giving you a new lease on life and a renewed passion to fulfill your future desires.

Does that prospect EXCITE you, My sweet?  Yes, I agree, I think you are going to find this experience quite life changing, more than you'll likely recall, but, that's normal given the depth of the trance, and that your subconscious mind is predisposed to filter out details when it is highly focused on other activities (smile).  What you will feel, though, after the session is a renewed energy and there is a possibility of some sexual side effects - nothing bad or untoward - but, you may have some lingering sexual cravings related to the therapy, something W/we can treat in future sessions, if needed.

So, you want to know when can W/we start?  Well, now if you want.  Just pay for the session and W/we can start as soon as you are ready to relax, listen to My voice, and learn to TRUST IN ME.

Only: $35.00

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Love, love, love. My sweet baby, I want to start by saying how much I appreciate all your messages of concern and good wishes to get well. It’s what got Me through this terrible time. I never remember feeling so sick and exhausted. But I was comforted to know I will always have you with Me and you will be there whenever I need you to take such good care of Me. I’m finally feeling a bit better. It seems to be a slow recovery. I’m getting caught up on Yellowstone and rewatching some of the Game Of Thrones. Are you into Yellowstone? I guess this is what people do when they aren’t working? Giggles! I’m still POSITIVE, so not working this weekend. Maybe I’ll catch up on some of My writing.

Here W/we are in December. This is My contracted weekend. It’s been a very good year for U/us. W/we have been able to get away from some of the troubles of the world and just take care of each other. Now, it’s all about Christmas so let’s begin O/our holiday season together. I want to share a few holiday thoughts i sent to My special contracted slaves.  

This is a time to decorate and eat a lot of holiday food, even if you do not celebrate Christmas in a "religious" way. It’s the spirit that counts. Keep everyone you love close to your heart and be generous with your time and affection. Give away those things you are not to be using. Think of homeless shelters and a Salvation Army donation. This heartfelt gesture gives someone a happy Christmas which is a terrible time to feel alone. Know that you are in My life. W/we will always be together!


Remember, for O/our family of six. If you would like to join Me in making their Xmas a happy one, you may purchase an Amazon GIFT card from Shelle's Wish List...or send Me a GIFT card from Walmart or even Target. I will plan to give the GIFTS to Anna and family in about a week. This will give "her" time to shop for the children. If it’s easier, this week, I’ll give any contributions to Challenge To PLEASE to O/our Christmas family.

REMEMBER OUR NEW words/phrases…There will be MORE next week. An assignment coming soon. Giggles!

Shellevite: a devotee to the glorious cult of Domina Shelle. Willing to obey any command to advance the cause of world domination for the Cult of Shelle.

Shelletophia - A rumored place that grants slaves luckly enough to find it the ablity to avoid the disappointment of even coming down from their shellephoria state of mind.

Domina-water - which happens during a Domina Drainage. When Domina Shelle’s voice is heard even in the background all thoughts liquify and drip, sometime run out like water through a colander leaving the patient / victim without anything in their head. Just blank and empty.

Shellelicious - The lustful longing feeling from viewing a sexy image of Domina Shelle Rivers. The last thing you remember before becoming lost in her.

Shellephine - a chemical released in the brain when one listens to Domina Shelle. Known to cause a huge increase in pleasure and subservience to Domina Shelle. Caution, constant exposure may cause long lasting addiction.

Comwooding - That means commanded to take a wooden spoon and slap my cock and balls with it.

NEXT WEEK: Well let’s wait and see…Follow Me on TWEETS. I will lead you right into My trap.

Here are this week’s special deals:

Love Honor Obey --
you crave to be dominated by Me, to be completely powerless in My presence...

Shhh --
Shhh, don't ask questions, just OBEY and LISTEN...

Aural Mind Fuck --
good pets deserve to be praised and rewarded.

Mind Games --
A perfect COVERT Hypnotic Mind Control.

Point Of Impact --
Does it excite you to be lead blindly by your beautiful Domina?