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Permanently Entangled
Session Length: 35 minutes
There you are, My puppy, back again to feed your compulsive need for ever deeper submission to your Domina's control. This insatiable yearning to My dominion is like an enduring love to your open susceptible mind, a passionate affair that beguiles your senses. This obsession paralyzes your brain leaving you desperate for more, and in this prone suggestible state, I'm free to make permanent changes promoting an infatuation so strong I become your everything. (giggles)
In fact, just one word from My luscious lips renders you completely powerless to My will, the enthralling cadence of My voice triggering an all consuming passion to focus your submissive existence entirely on Me. Once triggered you are lost in selfless adoration, forgetting about your own selfish aspirations, and quickly recalling the TRUTH that it is futile to resist My feminine charms.
To be lost in Me is utterly intoxicating, a conditioned response that elicits a primal craving to surrender to My superiority. The reality is you have no future, you have no past, you only have the present, a subservient existence as My devoted slave, caring only for My needs and receptive to My will.
Being Permanently Entangled in My web of words was never an accident, it was always an act of providence. By exploiting your emotional vulnerability and manipulating your submissive desires, I opened you up to reveal your secret fantasies. From that point you were destined to be MINE! Indeed, here you are, compelled to surrender more of yourself to Me, desperately pushing the limits of your submission all in the hope of pleasing Me, your Dominant Owner. (Awwwww)
Yes, it was entrapment, My sweet, but, by setting you free to explore your submissive self, it was inevitable you would be enslaved by My absolute authority. So, let Me help you drift off into My mesmerizing world of bliss and arousal, and in return I will reinforce the hypnotic hold I have over your mind, strengthening your bonds of servitude to Me.