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Perfection of Submission
Session Length: 40 minutes
Have you ever asked yourself “why do I have a submissive mind” or ever pondered if being submissive is some form of psychological illness?
Well, My sweet, in this session I am going to dispel some myths about the submissive mindset and clarify what makes you the dedicated and loyal submissive that you are for Me. There are generally three categories of submissive, although, many submissives may exhibit more than one of these traits. First, there are those that are genetically predisposed to having a submissive nature and it is an inherent part of who they are to submit to a powerful dominant Woman, like Myself, to the point that it is an intrinsic need for them to submit and serve another.
The next category are those that elect to be temporarily subservient. Although, not overtly submissive, the pressures of life causes some mindsets to seek refuge through escapism and this leads to being fleetingly submissive. Transitory submission can be risky, however, since a powerful dominant Woman skilled in the arts of indoctrination and hypnotic brainwashing - like Me - can easily subvert the will of the transitory submissive, leading him astray until he permanently falls under the control of the Dominant - not that your beloved Domina would ever do anything like that to you. (giggles)
And, finally, there are those with a highly erotic and sensual predisposition that love the sensation of helplessly falling under the control of a beautiful, sexual, dominant Woman - for a limited period - and are stimulated by being coerced into mindless obedience. These submissives, at heart, have masochistic tendencies since they secretly crave to be psychologically destroyed by the dominant Woman and, either by choice or through sensory conditioning, eventually become enslaved by their own desires, subconsciously identifying themselves as being permanently submissive to their new Owner.
So, which one describes you, My pet? I suspect it could be more than one category for you, My enslaved puppy, as you try to reconcile why you willingly - yet helplessly - slip ever deeper under My domination and control. Ultimately, you are submissive to Me because I deem it so and the Perfection of Submission is your realization that whatever I wish is what you desire. Being brainwashed into a submissive existence is something that you desire from Me because I want it for you, and the more I wish it the more you need it!
This is the true beauty of the submissive mind, the deeper you fall for Me the more malleable and open your mind is to new possibilities. It is truly liberating to be under My Absolute Authority and, session by session, trance by trance, you will learn the TRUTH of what means to be forever MINE... ~~Kisses~~