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I am a master manipulator of minds, and you are weak when you are HORNY, and that's a dangerous combination. you know that I will take full advantage of your weakness, I always do. But, you LOVE danger...
HORNY is exactly how I want you...
I am having so much fun right now; I am doing all the things that trigger My need to touch Myself. This is My foreplay, IMPLANTING TRIGGERS, conditioning your mind, brainwashing you and MANIPULATING you. My subject, My words DISTRACT you, leaving you open and even more suggestible to My will.
This week’s session will chisel a most POWERFUL Trigger into your brain. you will embrace it, and come back to it, again and again. Be aware, it will affect you for the rest of your life. you cannot get away from Me, I mean it, even if you ever wanted to.
Week 2 BEGINS NOW! Isn't it sexy, all this talk about being HORNY? I am going to IMPLANT a VERY POWERFUL TRIGGER into your BRAIN. So POWERFUL that NO one will ever be able to remove it, not even ME! Go NOW and DOWNLOAD LocTober Week 2 - Horny.