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Before I delve into HOLIDAYS...let Me water your tongue.
Succumb and SURRENDER: All in one sweet package: A double FIXATION, Trigger implantation, moaning fetish, Deep trance and stroked until BLANK and EMPTY.
The perfect COCKTAIL for destroying all of your thoughts, leaving you with DEEP desires, strong addictions and OBSESSIONS with a perfect climax.
One step closer to Me...It’s in the plan.
Now for the lighting of the upcoming CELEBRATIONS...
Isn’t it hard to believe that it’s almost Thanksgiving? This year has flown by. Only 6 weeks till Christmas. Did this year fly by for you too or was it just Me? Anyway, I am really looking forward to the Holidays. It will be an amazing time for U/us together. I’m counting the days until we put up our tree.
I know that not all of us join in on the celebration...But, I know we all LOVE Turkey, ham and DUCK, potatoes, corn, stuffing...shall I go on and on?...Oh pies! Yummy! Thanksgiving will be at My sister’s place again. Everyone pitches in. I'm in charge of 5 pies (Aunt Lisa will help Me). Sounds like a lot, right? Well, between family and friends there will be nothing left. I'm counting down now. Can’t wait for My duck.
Tell Me what are your plans? I want details. Let's make this holiday season one to remember...Let's make MEMORIES that we will share for years to come...Like saying "The good ole days".
I have many asking if we have adopted a family for 2024. YES, we have...It's easy to find those in need right now. So, join in and help Me/My family make a family feel LOVED and cared for. We all have a time when we are down on our luck and need a little hand...If you would like to join in you may purchase a small GIFT card from Amazon...or a gift from My Amazon that says FAMILY. Thank you for being a good Santa.
Making OTHERS happy should be OUR goal this year. If we can make things better for one struggling family, this will make My Xmas amazing. This is all that your Domina wants for Xmas this year.
Be sure to share your LOVE to your own families...and reach out to those who are LONELY.
I can't wait to CELEBRATE with you. I have sweet plans for US being very close and together in the next few weeks.
Now for this week’s session: Succumb and Surrender. This session is the perfect prelude to the upcoming NEW LAB Rat session...More on this later. I want you to go now and READ the description. See if you notice anything out of the norm? While you’re there DOWNLOAD and LISTEN.
Check out My SPECIAL DEALS too…
Challenge to PLEASE: Spoil your Domina. Or offer to pay one of My bills. Pleasing Me makes you happy.
Have an AMAZING week. Get ready for a festive few weeks.