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A Special Time Of Year
***I know why Santa is always so jolly---he knows where all the bad girls live. HO HO HO*** LAUGHING <:)
Happy Christmas! Doesn't Christmas take you back to earlier days, maybe even a simpler time. Just sitting by the fireplace, so warm and cozy...excited about what's to come. Just waiting for Christmas Eve, time for bed and that old bedtime story "'Twas The Night Before Christmas". I sill LOVE that story. Yes I'm a big girl now and realize the TRUE meaning of lives in our hearts.
It doesn't even matter how different we all are, CHRISTMAS means SOMETHING. Let's take time to remember what that something is. Really feel it, share it, CHERISH it.
I do hope that you have some good memories of this SPECIAL time of year...Something that makes you smile.
Christmas for My family was a time to be together, to bake cookies, candy and cakes. My Mom's kitchen was always busy this time of year. We made goodies for all the neighbors and the farm animals too. No one was left out. My sisters and I keep these traditions going with very fond memories. Our kitchens are very busy now, the scent of Christmas is everywhere.
I'll never forget one of My favorite things to do was to make those cookies, SPECIAL ones that were just for Santa. Yes, I believed. I still do, I think that Santa is in our hearts, a gifting of us to others.
As a little girl I would always go to bed early on Christmas Eve, usually too excited to even eat before bedtime. I would hide under my covers or sneak into My brothers bed...we would try hard to sleep fast so we could wake up early to play. We would wake up early, the cookies were gone and there was always a note from good ol' St Nick. We would run and play and eat cookies all day.
I know it wasn't that long ago but sometimes it feels longer. Things seem to be a lot different now, so many gifts, too much to even appreciate.
My favorite memories of gifts are, the cash register with play money, a bubble gum machine, and MOST of all a cowgirl outfit with boots too...and those batman pj's. I'll never forget looking forward to going back to school from Christmas break, I went back in style. Dressed in all My cowgirl fringe and those cute boots. I even wanted to sleep in those, giggles. I'll have to look back for some pictures, I'll try to post them.
Well that's a little about Me at Christmas TIME. I can't wait for this year too. We will visit with all My sisters and their families, spending a few days in the mountains. We hope for snow, I love horseback riding in the snow....Now that's a REAL Christmas.
I do hope that all your dreams come true and that you too can share a memory from your past...Let's all remember that TODAY we are making our FUTURE MEMORIES. Let's do our best to make something SPECIAL happen for someone, yes let's make our Christmas Memories that will live on with our family traditions.
****You have made NOT only the Holidays amazing for Me...but the whole year. Know that you are in MY heart and a HUGE part of My Special memories.
Get out your journals and write---save a memory---don't forget that every moment is a "PRESENT".
Merry Christmas---Happy Holidays
PS---I'm not putting out a file for the Holiday---I know we all need to do some shopping for all the SPECIAL people in our lives.
I have added a few files to "Special Deals" for those who want to take a peep.
Oh and check your emails, Santa Shelle may have a gift just for you.
Oh, today My sister and I went to lunch---as we were paying, the elderly man in from of us took our bill and paid it for us...he just said "Merry Christmas". Just his smile made our day. Let's "PAY IT FORWARD".