Newest Product

Session Length: 55 minutes

My puppy, I think it's time for some sexy maintenance of your mind, to refresh your submissive programming with a wonderfully deep trance.  Layers upon layers of conditioning will imbue you with a renewed passion and purpose to serve your beloved Domina, ensuring you are well prepared for the journey ahead that I have planned for U/us.

This is going to be a real mind fuck, My baby, an unrelenting assault on both your mind and senses until you submit to the inevitability of My power and authority of all that you are and will ever be.  From the first time you surrendered to My words you became mine - all mine - mind, body, and sex the property and playground for My wicked whimsical desires.

By now you know how much I enjoy breaking you down, turning the tables as a sweet Southern girl becomes a feisty temptress reinforcing triggers until you are left bewildered, on your knees, with that exquisite wanting, almost pleading, look in your eyes for Me to take you as I assert complete dominance over your mind and sex. (giggles)

And take you I will!  This Cerebral Overload is intent on a singular purpose, to strip away all thoughts and memories until the submissive you are laid bare before Me, humbled, exposed.  In this moment of weakness, and vulnerability, I will imbue you with an impassioned desire to surrender everything to be with your Domina knowing - at your core - that your submission to Me is the one true thing in your life you can never be without.

The TRUTH is, My puppy, W/we are destined to be one, of one mind, of one will, together intimately entwined in a Domme-sub relationship that is as consequential as it is unique.  Together, as one, I will make all the decisions and in return you will submit to Me without thought and without question, bathing in My essence knowing there is no escape and nowhere else you would ever wish to be.

Ahhh, My sweet, I know this is what you want so to be a good boy for Me and prepare yourself for a little Spring cleaning in your mind.  Let U/us consummate your renewed hunger to love, honor, and obey Me with a deep dive into your mind and a purge that will leave you invigorated and focused on what matters most, serving Me and making Me happy (which makes you happy).  I'm so good to you and good for you too. (giggles)

Only: $35.00

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Mistress of Minds

Just between us

Now let Me paint a picture in your mind
Think of the most beautiful thing you have ever seen
A picture that made your jaw drop, your heart race, and STUNNED you
It could be a beautiful landscape, a brilliant work of art, or even a picture of a sexy Woman
Maybe a Woman who looks like Me
With plump RED lips and dark, witchy eyes
Maybe you LOVE how the Woman's RED satin lingerie matches Her glossy red lips
Feel your heart fill with a sense of LOVE and WONDER for this perfect image
Feel the LOVE in my words mixing with the LOVE in your heart
It feels so good, doesn't it.
Now Imagine ---Taking a DEEP BREATH in, inhale the most intoxicating scent you have ever experienced
It could be fresh flowers, or a vanilla candle, or perhaps it's my sweet perfume
It is so sexy, so narcotic…almost like a DRUG
You LOVE My scent, don't you?
Feel your LOVE for My scent added to the euphoria pumping through your veins and keep imagining breathing Me in.  Let Me fill your mind.
You can't resist Me, can you
You can't resist My love spell
It feels too good to resist
Like a DRUG
You're enchanted
Your heart is BURSTING with love and need for Me
We haven't even TOUCHED yet---But your heart is now in My world of EROTICISM.
Feel My SPELL of love, really feel it.

Coming Soon to a file for you---The most dangerous form of narcotic.

We need to be closer NOW.  Listen to My voice.

Check out My newest file---Mistress Of Minds---An EROTIC Fantasy of most men---with a VERY wicked TWIST.  Your fantasy will forever be changed.