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Session Length: 41 minutes

Welcome to My sleep therapy clinic, a world renowned facility that specializes in treating those with rare mood and behavioral disorders.  From your referral notes it appears you have difficulty achieving a deep restful sleep with episodes of chronic over-stimulation along with occasional bouts of sexomnia.  Well, I want to put your mind at ease that, although these symptoms are relatively uncommon, I do have first-hand experience treating such conditions.  Now, the treatment process itself is somewhat unorthodox, but, the results I have with My clients speak for themselves, as you likely noticed from the highly favorable reviews they SUBMIT for Me, even after a single session, hence why you are here with Me now.

Let Me tell you how this will work, My sweet, it's okay if I call you that?  Good, I like our interactions to be as informal as possible so W/we can develop a strong rapport, a bond if you will, because TRUST is an essential component for these treatments to work.  During O/our session I'll help you relax so you can enter a deep trance like state, a receptive comatose sleep where all your conscious anxieties will be subdued.  This will allow Me to work more intimately with your subconscious mind identifying, and nullifying, your sleep related issues as well as using a more holistic approach, through mantra and reward reinforcement, to promote a healthy libido.

At this point I must caution you that since you do have a history of over-stimulation there is a higher probability that this will manifest itself - sensually and sexually - during your trance state.  Now, I want to assure you this is nothing to be alarmed about, My sweet, this is quite NATURAL and NORMAL for patients with a more, let's say, submissive personality type, ones that are naturally inclined to be SUBSERVIENT to more assertive personalities, even people in positions of AUTHORITY, like Myself, for example.

Well, as you can see I'm perfectly harmless and your behavioral pattern actually works to O/our mutual advantage:  It is the perfect state for Me to help you achieve a deeper, more focused sleep, redirecting your thoughts and "impulses" in a more positive and purposeful way.  With Me in the Cockpit - so to speak - and with the right focal point - My sexy heels, nylon covered legs, and short, TIGHT, pencil skirt (giggles) - I do believe I can resolve all your symptoms giving you a new lease on life and a renewed passion to fulfill your future desires.

Does that prospect EXCITE you, My sweet?  Yes, I agree, I think you are going to find this experience quite life changing, more than you'll likely recall, but, that's normal given the depth of the trance, and that your subconscious mind is predisposed to filter out details when it is highly focused on other activities (smile).  What you will feel, though, after the session is a renewed energy and there is a possibility of some sexual side effects - nothing bad or untoward - but, you may have some lingering sexual cravings related to the therapy, something W/we can treat in future sessions, if needed.

So, you want to know when can W/we start?  Well, now if you want.  Just pay for the session and W/we can start as soon as you are ready to relax, listen to My voice, and learn to TRUST IN ME.

Only: $35.00

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Shelle's NAUGHTY story

Shelle was a bright and beautiful young woman. She was in her first semester of college at a very young age. She stood out to me on the first day of psych class because of her youthful appearance. It turned out that she graduated a year early with honors from her high school in Charlotte, NC. Shelle had natural beauty, long light brown hair, big brown eyes. She stood about 5’3 and couldn't’t have been more than 100 lbs. She appeared to be the sweet, young girl next door, but her eyes told a different story.

Shelle’s eyes may have been those of a 17 year old, but when she first walked into my class room, past my desk, I could see the eyes of a woman twice her age. They were sweet and caring, yet clever and knowing. She walked with the confidence of a queen, completely sure of herself, which is uncommon in students who come to a large university at a young age. You instantly noticed that she is one of those women who light up a room when she walks in. It was a warm fall day and Shelle was wearing a pretty white sleeveless top with blue shorts. You could see that she was in fabulous shape, with a perfectly toned body. Her golden skin peaked out from under her shirt which was just short enough to give teasing glimpses of her smooth, soft, flat stomach. Mmmmmm, to be young again, oh too be that young again.

As for myself I had just turned 45. I was married and had 2 beautiful children. My wife came from a very affluent family which allowed us to afford all the best in life even on my modest salary as a professor. Unfortunately like so many marriages of 20 years, ours had grown cold. My wife had little interest in me and our physical relations ended a few years earlier. We stayed married for the children. My kids are my life and I would do anything for their happiness.

As Shelle walked past my desk, our eyes met. With a whimsical flirtatious manner she said “So you are going to teach ME about psychology, huh? We shall see about that.” She giggled quietly.

That night I went home and couldn't get Shelle out of my mind. Something was different about her. Something was so intriguing about her. I tossed and turned all night with thoughts of her going through my head. What was it? Why was I becoming so obsessed with this young woman?

That next Wednesday, Shelle came into class a few minutes early and approached my desk. “Professor, I was wondering if you might know of any jobs around campus for the semester, I need to make some extra money and need to find something or my parents will KILL me”. I thought for a minute as I stuttered like a little boy. I found myself lost in her eyes . “Well yes” I said, “actually I am looking for an assistant, just by chance”. What was I THINKING!?! I did not need an assistant and how would I even pay for one if I did? It was as if someone else controlled my mouth as I spoke. “OH GREAT” Shelle said. “When could we meet to discuss my duties? I am really good at typing, word perfect and power point!” “Perfect!” I said. “How about we meet this afternoon after class at 4pm?” “Ideal” she said, “I will meet you in your office then!” She walked to her desk as my mind scrambled to think of work I could have her assist me with. I was certain that I would come up with something.

Click this link for the rest of the story...The Professor.

Go read MY story before reading further...Cum back HARD and HORNY...ready to SUBMIT.

Now that I have your mind totally F**KED, just the way I love it...I'll tell you MORE about what you will do NEXT.

FIRST of all---you will listen to this week's new BRAINWASH file---yes Part 3 is READY.  This is NOT an is a POWERFUL suggestion that you will not and can NOT ignore.  Available on Thursday.  GET IT!!!!

MORE ON THE EXPERIMENT next week---decide if you are ready.  IT is TIME for 10 non-suspecting guinea pigs...***GIGGLES***

Finally this week's SPECIAL DEALS---I ONLY ADD FILES That you absolutely NEED---MUST have:

1. Siren

3. Forget To Remember

2. Lost In Paradise