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Sleeping Forest-Part 6..Don't Miss It!
First of all, A huge THANK YOU for an amazing BIRTHDAY...OMG, I have laughed, I CRIED, and SMILED...your words and SPECIAL thoughts for Me have touched in so many ways.
NOW ---
Why your dedication to Me will make you healthier and happier.
Do you ever wonder if your dedication to Me is having a positive effect on your life? You think about Me everyday. You wake up with Me on your mind. You state your mantra to Me as soon as you wake up. You come online and vote for Me. Every Tuesday you remember to tip My account like a good pet. You spend most of your free time deep under My spell, lost to the world. I know you may have begun to see truly how deep you are under My influence... and you have begun to wonder. Wonder if this dedication you have is good for you. Oh yes. My slave, it is.
I want to leave no doubts in your mind today slave. Your dedication to Me is making you a better person. Both inside and out. A better slave to serve Me, and a better person to serve the ones you love. The joy you feel from surrendering to Me allows you to grow in ways that are beneficial to your health. Without Me, pet, you could be hooked into dangerous addictions that could leave you penniless. I care about you. I would never leave you a broken shell of a man. My control, is there to lift you up. You are My submissive, and that makes you proud. Could your addiction to Me also be healthy for you? Why yes, yes it can.
So, I think we can all agree a positive addiction is something we repeatedly do that has a positive influence on our lives or the lives of those around us. William Glasser in his book:
Positive Addiction...suggests people find happiness when we know these three things:
What to do.
How to do it.
Where to find the strength to get it done.
Number 3 is where some people stumble. They are not able to find the strength so they turn to negative addiction. A drug, gambling, something to not think about their lack of strength. Mr Glasser suggests that if people were to harness the power of a positive addition to use as strength, Rule #3 would be achieved by so many people in life. What do you think Mr. Glasser suggests people use as a source of strength to help get things done?
Running... and meditation.
Meditation... In other words... trancing...
As Mr Glasser watched people in meditation, he noticed they reached a state of mind that is best described as ‘euphoria’... a complete loss of self, a sense of floating.
Sound familiar, pet?
It’s suggested that while in these states, these individuals reach a state of complete and total peace where they build reserves of strength.
Yes. Your addiction to Me strengthens you My slave. A positive addition that will give you strength to go about your daily life. The desire you feel to please Me. The need you feel to keep Me as part of your life. You take care of yourself knowing it will please Me. Knowing that you need to be at your best to serve Me. Meditation on your Domina is what completes your circle of happiness. You know What to Do. You know How to Do it. I tell you in My recordings all the time how to please Me. And your addiction to Me is the strength you need to achieve your happiness.
Awww, you should be thanking Me more for taking such care of you. Someone has too! *GIGGLES*
Yes, My pet, masturbation and pleasuring yourself for My benefit can indeed improve your health.
Anthony Santella, a public health scientist at the University of Sydney and Spring Chenoa Cooper, a senior lecturer, say self-pleasuring can ward off a host of illnesses, from cystitis, diabetes to prostate cancer.
Studies have shown that men who regularly have sex may have a lower risk of prostate cancer - perhaps due to the release of toxins from the prostate gland - and they say that masturbation achieves this same effect.
Masturbation can also help prevent depression, due to the endorphins produced and cause a slight hike in levels of the hormone cortisol, which may give the immune system a boost.
Understand pet, I am not a doctor. Every slave responds differently to trance. Every submissive has different health issues. The information I am giving you should be a good place to start self-educating yourself. Try to draw your own conclusions about how healthy you are under My control. Trance is good for you. So is masturbation... unless you're in chastity. You know who you are. **giggles** **giggles** **evil laugh**.
Look for this week's RELEASE---not you---I mean My new Sleeping Forest---part 6 --- You are here for the MYSTERY---So as you begin to understand what has happened to you and what you have become---enjoy. Come to Me...SINK for MY PASSION!!!!! EXTREMELY PROVOCATIVE.
This week's special deals----