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Update On Summer Time TOUR around the world
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My pet, My goal is for U/us to have some summer fun together and this week’s assignment is how I want U/us to do it... Most of the time you spend with Me is most likely, alone and inside. Some place private where you can get hard and horny for Me.~giggles~ I love that thought, so keep it up for Me, so to speak.
Start your day with your Mantra, if that is what you do. I want you to try to go beyond listening to My files if that is all you do for Me. Am I a motivating force in you life? Does your connection to Me bring good things to your life, improving your important relationships, have you do well at work, invest in your health and well being because I want that for you?
Know you please Me when you follow My instructions. Know you will be pleasing Me with this assignment. I want you to be happy with your life in obedience and devotion to Me. Know this is an opportunity to get outside your mind, outside your fantasies and bring Me along on this adventure.
I also want you to get outside in the Summertime, unless you are down under where it is Winter in Australia. I want you having thoughts of Me when you are active with someone of importance to you, a partner, a family member, a friend, someone at work. I want you to be a fun companion. The purpose of this assignment is to have fun with someone in your life, wherever you live. Integrate Me into your day to day life.
People come to this website from around the world. There will be an opportunity with this assignment to make a comment which includes your hometown….I’m curious to see just how far reaching your Domina has gone around the world. Sign up for this week’s assignment. I promise it will be fun. Go to this link and sign up by purchasing the ASSIGNMENT. Details will be downloaded.