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Session Length: 41 minutes

Welcome to My sleep therapy clinic, a world renowned facility that specializes in treating those with rare mood and behavioral disorders.  From your referral notes it appears you have difficulty achieving a deep restful sleep with episodes of chronic over-stimulation along with occasional bouts of sexomnia.  Well, I want to put your mind at ease that, although these symptoms are relatively uncommon, I do have first-hand experience treating such conditions.  Now, the treatment process itself is somewhat unorthodox, but, the results I have with My clients speak for themselves, as you likely noticed from the highly favorable reviews they SUBMIT for Me, even after a single session, hence why you are here with Me now.

Let Me tell you how this will work, My sweet, it's okay if I call you that?  Good, I like our interactions to be as informal as possible so W/we can develop a strong rapport, a bond if you will, because TRUST is an essential component for these treatments to work.  During O/our session I'll help you relax so you can enter a deep trance like state, a receptive comatose sleep where all your conscious anxieties will be subdued.  This will allow Me to work more intimately with your subconscious mind identifying, and nullifying, your sleep related issues as well as using a more holistic approach, through mantra and reward reinforcement, to promote a healthy libido.

At this point I must caution you that since you do have a history of over-stimulation there is a higher probability that this will manifest itself - sensually and sexually - during your trance state.  Now, I want to assure you this is nothing to be alarmed about, My sweet, this is quite NATURAL and NORMAL for patients with a more, let's say, submissive personality type, ones that are naturally inclined to be SUBSERVIENT to more assertive personalities, even people in positions of AUTHORITY, like Myself, for example.

Well, as you can see I'm perfectly harmless and your behavioral pattern actually works to O/our mutual advantage:  It is the perfect state for Me to help you achieve a deeper, more focused sleep, redirecting your thoughts and "impulses" in a more positive and purposeful way.  With Me in the Cockpit - so to speak - and with the right focal point - My sexy heels, nylon covered legs, and short, TIGHT, pencil skirt (giggles) - I do believe I can resolve all your symptoms giving you a new lease on life and a renewed passion to fulfill your future desires.

Does that prospect EXCITE you, My sweet?  Yes, I agree, I think you are going to find this experience quite life changing, more than you'll likely recall, but, that's normal given the depth of the trance, and that your subconscious mind is predisposed to filter out details when it is highly focused on other activities (smile).  What you will feel, though, after the session is a renewed energy and there is a possibility of some sexual side effects - nothing bad or untoward - but, you may have some lingering sexual cravings related to the therapy, something W/we can treat in future sessions, if needed.

So, you want to know when can W/we start?  Well, now if you want.  Just pay for the session and W/we can start as soon as you are ready to relax, listen to My voice, and learn to TRUST IN ME.

Only: $35.00

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Our Journey Deepens

Just a quick note to let you know that although W/we are snowed/iced in...I’m OK. I did GET to work, haha. Spent some time on Saturday at Helena’s place...just to be closer to work. Yes, My Aunt is visiting, that gives Me a well needed break, just to get out of the house a bit.
Isn’t it funny, when W/we get snow in the south, everything stops. you had better have milk and bread, lol. The stores are mad the day before the snow, nothing left on the shelves. That’s winter in the south.

No this was NOT the best snow for “snow cream”. W/we did make snow cream, but a little too icy. Not even good for a snowman. Just a nap by the fire...Oh except OMG, JJ spent his time catching our snowballs and eating them. He runs and rolls....OMG, he’s a fun puppy.

GO PANTHERS---I am so excited! NC is going to the Super Bowl.

Last week Professor Shelle spoke to you about acting on chances I give you to show your obedience. It meets your need for submission and satisfies My need as a Domina to be pleased by you when you do as I say. It is one reason you come back, to surrender to Me. I am training you towards a more perfect union with the voice you are addicted to having penetrate your mind, so you know how to please Me without being told.

Some guidance.

When you come to Me for more, I am the Person, not just the voice who wants your mind. Show Me you are serious and appreciative of how positive your experiences have been surrendering and obeying your Domina with something of value for Me in this real world...

Bring the attitude and feelings you have when you are lost in My voice and words. You feel you would do ANYTHING for Me. That makes a good impression. Some small token of love and affection for My time and attention tells Me you are for real and I feel safe investing My time with you, My pet.

Also, remember you help Me by promoting Me and My site wherever you can....It also helps Me for you to promote Lady H. whenever you interact with Her.

Did you listen to Subjugated zombie?

Now, can you know what it’s like to be a zombie... Just imagine what you look like when you are ZOMBIED...your mind and thoughts are gone, the only thoughts left are the ones I’ve implanted in your reconstructed brain. Why, I’ve created a Shellenstein, only this zombie protects his Creator, Dr. Shellenstein.

If you have not listened yet, do not miss out!

For future files----I need feedback:

I have gotten some very positive reactions to My soft whispering in your ear. Would you like hearing more of that in future files?

This week:

An EMOTIONAL and CAPTIVATING ENDING to an amazing series, The Sleeping Forest. I know that you have waited a LONG time for this (Being Released Late this week). Don’t miss one of the most amazingly HYPNOTIC files that you will ever experience. I do believe this series is My best work, MY MASTERPIECE!!!! It is ENCHANTING, confusing, sexy, WICKED and a JOURNEY so deep within your mind, it will change you.

I want you to prepare by RE-LISTENING to Parts 1-6 ...Begin NOW!

In case you do not have this I have placed the series 1-6 in SPECIAL deals. Also on special are two of My surprise files with no description, check them out!