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OMG finally I’m feeling better and now I have something very special for you. This week is your second COMPULSIVE OBSESSION......Voice in your Head. It’s the third in a progressive series of mind blowing sessions I promised for the New Year. I lead you deep down, beyond OBSESSION--Breasts and take complete control. you have let Me into your Subconscious mind, now so brainwashed and obsessed by My voice. you Love Me telling you what to do. you need Me inside to guide you through the pleasures of My erotic and blissful world of Control and Domination.
I have always believed that there has to be something for BOTH of U/us in My work. As your Domina, it does turn Me on being inside your mind, controlling and holding this dominance and power over you. For you, My puppy, the more powerful I become, the deeper your tingling sensations of submission and servitude. Each aching fantasy brings you back to Domina for the pleasures of pleasing Me which becomes your primary focus.
you please Me by ALWAYS seeking My Cock Control. When you obey and submit to My expectations and I see your tributes and offerings, I feel the tingling pleasure of My power over My submissive slave who I own. Pleasing Me becomes your primary desire because it’s My desire. And I desire you to be aroused. When the PLEASURE of pleasing your Domina with tributes is Greater than the pleasure of the orgasms I allow OR Greater than the arousal of being kept locked in Chastity, THEN you really become My perfect slave. During a recent Kennel Show, the announcer kept saying about the purebred canines, "he’s loyal and eager to please". What more could a Domina ask from Her puppy? ~giggles~
I am pleased with how the Masturbation Center is beginning to be used. I know ongoing "training" will make it happen without thought, question or hesitation. As easy and natural as being aroused with your commitment and devotion to pleasing Me in this way.
I am so excited about your answers on the SFS QUIZ...Wow, you want MORE CONTROL. you need ME more. I just love My seat inside your mind. I have started to review your responses and will pass along some results soon.
I need banners, hot sexy banners...Email Me for sizes, if you can do this. Let your talent be useful to Me....If I am pleased you may be rewarded.
I bring you a slightly different approach to Brainwashing and Trigger words. W/we merge into one. O/our souls collide and blend and you exist through Me. A highly orgasmic experience.
special deals this week ...