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This is an important week for you, My pet, preparing for these exciting and permanent changes in the way you think and feel. You set aside time each day and look forward to spending it with Me. But now with this week’s Brain Chip-Activation installation, I can call on you at any time, wherever you might be. Watch your devotion and obedience to Me intensify as I reach deeper into the center of your brain.
ACTIVATION will be My trigger inside your mind where My Brain Chip has been implanted. This upgrade adjustment to your Chip will make My instructions a COMPULSION. When you hear the phrase “Subject, Activate Control Chip”, my future Trigger IMPLANTS override your brain, which will shut down and stand by to accept ALL My programming. This procedure ensures that all future Implants work smoothly and bring immediate results. you become aroused whenever obeying My direct instructions or when you perform the tasks I command or when you experience the sensations I will create in your imagination.
After activating your Brain Chip, I gain direct and immediate access to the deepest recesses of your mind. There, I will IMPLANT all future Triggers. you revert back to the time when as little boy you were so eager to Please. you become even more suggestible to ALL My programming and commands. Receptive. Submissive and Obedient. This programming strengthens My Control. your enslavement and servitude intensifies with this overwhelming desire to please Me, by following all My instructions. Oh, the Pleasure of Pleasing Me. ~giggles~ Remember, these ongoing IMPLANT Triggers will be available ONLY to those who sign up. SO, SIGN UP in order to receive My Implants.
Since I am going to Tennessee for a family get together and then taking care of some Farm business, I decided to bring you along with the Farm Assignment Part 2. Another reason this is an important week. you give of yourself to Me with this Assignment. you can work for Me. Keep Me company. Follow My instructions and help Me by supporting My Farm expenses while I keep you aroused and eager to please your Domina. Sound like fun? The Farm is a very real, happy place, where I grew up. It is important to Me. I want to share that with you by making this an exciting time for you to cum play with Me.
Each assignment requires you to listen to a file session. I’ll give you a Thought for each day. Then you will write down My, I mean O/our, goal for that day. There is a written assignment (OBEY DOMINA) each day, to provide tasks for you to complete. There is also a Playground Command each day.
I will take you into My bedroom where I know what you will want to do to please Me. And into the kitchen for some whipped cream. You may do all 7 Assignments, so you don’t miss anything. Then, there will be an Assignment to Obey for Next Week. ALL files for the assignment are in My special deals, if you don’t already have them. (If this is a real problem for you, sign up, and when you email Me, list the files you already have for My instructions).
Lady Helena has an exciting file session for you with HYPNOTIC CHAINS. You have a busy week to look forward to.
I also want you to continue listening to Triggered HARD to reinforce your emotional commitment to Me.
Next week I expect to have Part 3 of the Brain Chip series. This will be a reinforcement session which shows you how the Implants will work.
My special deals...MUST have...