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Subliminized - Deep Insertion
Length: 29+ minutes
Category: Confusion-Mind Control-Brainwashing
I continue to realign the mental processes of your subconscious mind. you love when I fuck with your mind. This session will take you TOTALLY by surprise, you won't know what hits you...or where it will take you. NO MORE INFO... I will ONLY tell you that DISTRACTION and CONFUSION are perfect weapons to disguise, just where I want to lead My subject. This trance will sneak up on you...Just relax and follow My voice as I bring you through parts of a very familiar, effective induction. I weave a concept SO powerful...and won't know what you get until go....where I take you, ONLY I know.
MIND FUCK, CONFUSIONAL, DISTRACTION, MIND CONTROL...subliminal messages on many levels.